220 Kohler Pond Rd., Abbeville
Lake Greenwood Dock Information
If lake living is in your future you should give thought to your dock as well. For many people their dock is an extension of their home and is of just as much importance. (for some maybe more!) From simple to extravagant you will see it all on Lake Greenwood.
Specializing in Lake Greenwood property we have found many times the same questions about building docks on Lake Greenwood come up. We thought it would be helpful if we addressed the top questions regarding docks and what is required in a quick and easy summary! If you are just starting your search for Lake Greenwood Real Estate feel free to click and search here!
Most frequently asked questions and "to the point" answers.
Can I build a private dock on Lake Greenwood? ABSOLUTELY
Unlike other area lakes Lake Greenwood is NOT a corp of engineers lake. This gives you more flexibility in doing what you want to do.
Are docks allowed on ALL properties? NO
Docks are allowed on the majority of properties; however, there are some areas that have been designated as critical habitat areas. The shoreline may not be improved on or modified in these particular areas. To learn more about critical habitat areas click here.
What is the most common type of dock on Lake Greenwood?
The 2 types of docks that are the most common are floating docks and stationary docks. Sometimes you will see a combination of the 2.
How long can my dock be? 110'. As long as....
your dock does not extend past 1/3 the total distance from your shoreline to the opposite shoreline;
your dock does not create a safety hazard for navigation of watercraft.
How large can my dock be?
No more than 1200 sq. ft. of surface area. (That's big!)
Can I build an enclosed boathouse on Lake Greenwood? NO
Enclosed structures are not allowed due to safety concerns for boaters and sight limitations they may cause. Lake Greenwood is a recreational lake and saftey of it's boaters is of utmost importance.
Can I have a covered boat slip? YES
You can have a covered boat slip area as well as a lift if you choose. The sides must be open so as not to interfere or obstruct boaters sight.
How do I know if the dock I want to build will be allowed?
Contact Julie Davis at Lake Greenwood Management to request a dock permit application. You can also go online to print it. Take the completed application as well as a "rough draft" sketch of your desired dock with approximate measurements to Lake Greenwood Management for approval. If there is no dock already in place this should be confirmed during your "Due Diligence" period by your Realtor.
Is there a fee to have a dock? YES
There is a minimal cost of $50 annually for people who have docks. This fee is due in September of each year.
Can I choose anyone to build my dock? YES/NO
Anyone doing work inside Lake Greenwood boundary lines must be be approved by Lake Greenwood. There is an extensive list of approved contractors available to choose from. If your preferred contractor is not on the list they can easily be added by registering with Greenwood County and signing an agreement to abide by the established rules, regulations and guidleines.
If your question was not answered in the above summary please fee free to contact us. Specializing in Lake Greenwood we have the answers or either know where to direct you to get the answers you need. There's alot to know about Lake Greenwood property and we look forward to helping you in any way we can.